To streamline the sharing and evaluation process, participants are encouraged to upload their code to their own GitHub repositories and create two tags, “cmipb-challenge” and “3rd-cmipb-challenge” in the About section of their GitHub repository. Please upload your code to GitHub after the conclusion of the CMI-PB challenge on November 22, 2024. Please follow the steps below to ensure your submission is correctly tagged and accessible.
Create a GitHub Repository:
- Sign in to your GitHub account.
- Navigate to and create a new repository.
- Name your repository descriptively, ideally something related to the challenge or your model. Eg. MCIAModel_LaJollaInstitute_3rdCMIPB_Challenge
Upload Your Code:
- Clone your repository to your local machine, or simply drag and drop your files directly onto GitHub.
- Ensure all necessary files, including scripts, README files, data processing steps, and configuration files, are included.
- Write a file detailing how to run your code, prerequisites, and any dependencies.
Tag Your Repository:
- After uploading your code, tag the repository with “cmipb-challenge”, “3rd-cmipb-challenge”.
- You can do this by navigating to your repository’s main page on GitHub and clicking on the “Settings” tab.
- Scroll down to the “Topics” section, type “cmipb-challenge”, “3rd-cmipb-challenge” as two tags, and click “Save Changes.”
Submit the Repository Link:
- Once your code is uploaded and tagged, submit the GitHub repository link through the designated submission form or thread on the forum.
Best Practices:
- Use clear and consistent code comments.
- Include final datasets used by models, if possible, to help reproduce the code.
- Double-check your repository permissions to ensure it is publicly accessible.
- Do not delete/move this repository in the future.
Following these steps will help make your code accessible, reproducible, and easy to review for the CMI-PB challenge and for the wider research community.
This approach allows all participants’ code repositories to be easily tracked under “3rd-cmipb-challenge · GitHub Topics · GitHub”.
Thank you for contributing!